Videos for my projects

In Web Developer's Life By Gustavo Gomez Macias (Goz) on 23 Jul 2018

In the last ten years I been in several meetings with potencial clients. All kind of clients, I could write a full book with funny and creepy anecdotes (and maybe someday I will) but today I just want to mention something that all this meetings have in common: many clients don't understand what I do and even worst the client not even care what web development is.

You can argue me that is not the client's responsability to know all the languages, frameworks, servers and technologies out there in web development (so many at this time) and you are right but... in the other hand, if I'm gonna invest a good amount of money in some project, I would prefer to do some research about the theme or at least have an expert in my team when meettings are convoqued.

Right now 50% of my clients pay me for redo-projects (with other technology of course), and it is more easy for me because after their first bad experience in web development now they know what they want, and what things need to be avoided in this new version. But still they don't know anything about how web development works. In the first meeting the clients are always in a defensive stand, and that is really natural because the don't want to lose more money

The strategy that works for me is showing my favorite projects, answering questions about technologies, development times and of course budgets examples (I never give a budget in the first meeting, I have to study all the proyect to evaluate times, difficulty, viability, etc). That gives my clients some confidence that they are hiring someone that finish his job with the client's satisfaction ( in ten years more than 100 success projects and only 4 not finished due client's abuse to me or my team).

The point now is that clients tend to visit my website and not quite understand my projects, and that is understandable because a screenshot cannot give you the experience to really navigate or use a system.

So I had the crazy idea to suscribe me to vimeo and start creating my own videos. Showing exactly what I like about every project. I'm sure that this will take me some time but I hope this will be attractive for my new clients.

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