About my Github account

In Web Developer's Life By Goz on 21 Mar 2018

With all the recent changes in my website I came accross my github account better known as "that sad place". Years have passed since my last commit, the main reason is that many of my clients don't want to share his project's code so they need a private code repository without paying a monthly fee (because they will not pay it), so Bitbucket comes to the rescue. I can program all the proyect with git and when the proyect is completed I create a Bitbucket account for my client and voalá! everybody is happy.  My clients receive their private code well organized and I am able to mantain my mental health by using versioning control in my proyects.

Checking my github account  I found three proyects:

documents_manager: Super simple intranet for the UNAM's Institute of Physics, this application was developed in 2009, a second version was released in 2011. After a quick check the application is still in production. The second version updates are not in this repository so there is no case to mantain it. In the last years I have developed better intranets for other clients.

superHELPDESK: Support Tickets System for the UNAM's Institute of Physics known as ASIF, I developed this application in 2012. After a quick check the application is still in production. After reading the code ( my 6 years old code) I want to cry, is not dry and the database design is not the best among other things. But I was young and restless and all that smelly code did'nt affected the application funcionality over the years. Two years ago I have the oportunity to develop a new Support Ticket System for a client, and this time I took all what I learned from my first experience and create a much better product named TEQUITI (means "work in nahuatl).

HappyScholarhips: Evaluation and Management System for Marcos Mosinsky's Lectures, I developed this application in 2012. After a quick check the application is still in production. The main objective was to create a simple way to obtain the candidates information for it's evaluation. The application generates automatic emails to obtain the reference's opinions about the candidate's work. This application must be developed in a more recent rails version.

Along with my daily website update I think it's important to have a pet proyect and useful code in my github account. So in the next days I will work on that.